How to find global entry application status

Checking Your Global Entry Application Status

Checking Your Global Entry Application Status

Longing for the days of breezing through customs lines with a smile and not a sigh? Applying for Global Entry is the first step, but the waiting game can feel agonizing. No need to fret, though! There are several ways to check your application status and keep your wanderlust fueled.

1. The TTP Dashboard: Your go-to source for all things application related is the Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) Dashboard. Here’s how to access it:

  • Head to the official TTP website:
  • Log in using your application ID and password. Don’t remember those? Click “Forgot login?” and follow the prompts.
  • Once logged in, click on “My Dashboard.” This is your personal hub for application updates.

2. Email Notifications: CBP will send you emails throughout the process, so keep an eye on your inbox. Look for messages with subject lines like:

  • “Welcome to the Trusted Traveler Programs!” This confirms your application has been received.
  • “Your Global Entry application status has changed.” This could mean any update, from conditional approval to final decision.
  • “Global Entry Membership Approved!” Time to celebrate!

3. Contact the CBP Information Center: Still have questions or need clarification? Reach out to the CBP Information Center:

  • Phone: 1-877-CBP-5511 (1-877-227-5511)
  • Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time
  • Online form:

Bonus Tip: Download the CBP Travel mobile app! You can track your application status and access other helpful information right from your phone.


  • Application processing times can vary depending on factors like workload and background checks. Be patient, but don’t hesitate to contact CBP if you haven’t heard anything in a while.
  • Keep your contact information up-to-date throughout the process to ensure you receive all notifications.
  • Don’t lose hope! Global Entry membership is worth the wait.

By following these steps and maintaining a positive attitude, you’ll be checking your Global Entry application status like a pro and preparing for smoother travels in no time. So, buckle up, fasten your wanderlust seat belt, and get ready for expedited adventures!

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